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TRANSFERS - YOUTH 4                                     Sold  by the piece or by the dozen    Prices are per piece in quantities of 12 per design. 

                                                                                          To order 6 - 11 per design-----add .20 per transfer.       1 - 5 per design----- add .40 per transfer.  

                                                                                   To see a larger picture of a design, just click on the picture.  Click on your back button to go back to the page


2877-Y.jpg (15347 bytes) 6083-A-6084-Y.jpg (25027 bytes) 6836-A-6917-Y.jpg (25786 bytes) 2976-A_2977-Y.jpg (17813 bytes) 2547-A_4194-Y.jpg (20639 bytes)
WD2877-7 - $0.90 WD6084-8 - $0.95 WD6917-7 - $0.90 WD2977-7 - $0.90 WD4194-7 - $0.90
7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 8  Lights Only 7 x 8  Lights Only
2545-A_4195-Y.jpg (22825 bytes) 4065-A_4196-Y_4242-P.jpg (14279 bytes) 6834-A-6911-Y.jpg (19648 bytes) 7282-A-7283-Y.jpg (20403 bytes) 4238-A-4239-Y.jpg (21114 bytes)
WD4195-7 - $0.90 WD4196-7 - $0.90 WD6911-7 - $0.90 WD7283-7 - $0.90 WD4239-7 - $0.90
7 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 7  Light and Dark 4 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only
7147-Y.jpg (34305 bytes) 4256-A-4260-Y.jpg (20948 bytes) 7494-A-7495-Y.jpg (32248 bytes) 4258-A-4262-Y-4778-A.jpg (20885 bytes) 4375-A-4379-Y.jpg (20239 bytes)
WD7147-7 - $0.90 WD4260-7 - $0.90 WD7495-7 - $0.90 WD4262-7 - $0.90 WD4379-8 - $0.95
6 x 6  Lights Only 7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark
6847-A-6910-Y.jpg (19458 bytes) 7373-Y.jpg (26415 bytes) 7051-A.jpg (26583 bytes) 5764-A-5767-Y.jpg (20578 bytes) 4465-A-4466-Y.jpg (22617 bytes)
WD6910-7 - $0.90 WD7373-7 - $0.90 WD7051-7 - $0.90 WD5767-8 - $0.95 WD4466-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 5 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only
4348-A-4478-Y.jpg (30232 bytes) 4353-A-4483-Y.jpg (32903 bytes) 4548-A-4556-Y-4544-P.jpg (22408 bytes) 7874-A_7875-Y.jpg (62261 bytes) 6837-A-6893-Y.jpg (25273 bytes)
WD4478-8 - $0.95 WD4483-8 - $0.95 WD4556-7 - $0.90 WD7875-7 - $0.90 WD6893-7 - $0.90
8 x 9  Light and Dark 8 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 5 x 6  Light and Dark 5 x 7  Light and Dark
4566-A-4568-Y-5164-P.jpg (25114 bytes) 4567-A-4569-Y.jpg (23651 bytes) 4570-A-4572-Y-5165-P.jpg (23836 bytes) 4571-A-4573-Y.jpg (22376 bytes) 4175-A-4621-Y-4802-P.jpg (18718 bytes)
WD4568-7 - $0.90 WD4569-7 - $0.90 WD4572-7 - $0.90 WD4573-7 - $0.90 WD4621-7 - $0.90
6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Lights Only
4471-A-4627-Y.jpg (21220 bytes) 6882-A-6883-Y.jpg (17118 bytes) 4779-A-4780-Y-4765-A-4763-Y.jpg (20000 bytes) 6925-A-6926-Y.jpg (17590 bytes) 4779-A-4780-Y-4765-A-4763-Y.jpg (20000 bytes)
WD4627-7 - $0.90 WD6883-7 - $0.90 WD4763-8 - $0.95 WD6926-7 - $0.90 WD4780-7 - $0.90
6 x 8  Lights Only 3 x 7  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark 3 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only
7468-A-7469-Y.jpg (28848 bytes) 6851-A-6922-Y.jpg (24347 bytes) 4829-A-4832-Y.jpg (18267 bytes) 9853-A-9856-Y.jpg (20443 bytes) 9854-A-9855-Y.jpg (28238 bytes)
WD7469-7 - $0.90 WD6922-7 - $0.90 WD4832-8 - $0.95 WD9856-8 - $0.95 WD9855-8 - $0.95
6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 8  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark
4807-A-4883-Y.jpg (27389 bytes) 9551-A_9552-Y.jpg (24230 bytes) 4848-A-4887-Y.jpg (25381 bytes) 6887-Y.jpg (25427 bytes) 7316-A-7317-Y.jpg (21485 bytes)
WD4883-10 - $1.40 WD9552-7 - $0.90 WD4887-8 - $0.95 WD6887-7 - $0.90 WD7317-7 - $0.90
8 x 10  Print on Black Only 7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 5 x 8  Light and Dark
4896-A-4897-Y.jpg (28937 bytes) 4904-Y.jpg (28067 bytes) 4909-Y.jpg (33059 bytes) 6927-A-6928-Y.jpg (19211 bytes) 5008-A-4939-Y.jpg (32538 bytes)
WD4897-10 - $1.40 WD4904-7 - $0.90 WD4909-7 - $0.90 WD6928-7 - $0.90 WD4939-10 - $1.40
8 x 10  Print on Black Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 4 x 6  Light and Dark 8 x 10  Light and Dark
4942-A--4943-Y.jpg (21934 bytes) 9117-A-9118-Y.jpg (22770 bytes) 4973-A-4974-Y-4975-P.jpg (26080 bytes) 4985-A-4986-Y.jpg (25333 bytes) 6916-Y.jpg (26863 bytes)
WD4943-7 - $0.90 WD9118-8 - $0.95 WD4974-7 - $0.90 WD4986-10 - $1.40 WD6916-7 - $0.90
7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark 6 x 7  Lights Only 8 x 10  Print on Black Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark
4991-A-4992-Y.jpg (29587 bytes) 6852-A-6921-Y.jpg (15228 bytes) 6681-A-6874-Y.jpg (20837 bytes) 4982-A-5005-Y.jpg (24139 bytes) 4570-A-4572-Y-5165-P.jpg (23836 bytes)
WD4992-10 - $1.40 WD6910-7 - $0.90 WD6874-8 - $0.95 WD5005-8 - $0.95 WD9175-8 - $0.95
8 x 10  Print on Black Only 4 x 8  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 8  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark-Glitter
5083-A-5084-Y.jpg (18810 bytes) 2081-A_5172-Y.jpg (15587 bytes) 5336-A-5338-Y.jpg (22339 bytes) 5333-A-5356-Y.jpg (30860 bytes) 6854-A-6920-Y.jpg (18384 bytes)
WD5084-7 - $0.90 WD5172-7 - $0.90 WD5338-7 - $0.90 WD5356-7 - $0.90 WD6920-7 - $0.90
5 x 8  Lights Only 5 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark
5394-A-5395-Y.jpg (30294 bytes) 4858-A-4873-P-5452-Y.jpg (23308 bytes) 5457-A-5458-Y.jpg (23995 bytes) 5461-A-5462-Y.jpg (21830 bytes) 5470-A-5471-Y.jpg (40173 bytes)
WD5395-10 - $1.40 WD5452-7 - $0.90 WD5458-7 - $0.90 WD5462-7 - $0.90 WD5471-10 - $1.40
8 x 10  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 7 x 9  Lights Only 7 x 9  Lights Only 8 x 10  Light and Dark
5475-A_5476-Y_5477-P.jpg (24423 bytes) 4643-A-5499-Y.jpg (21563 bytes) 4740-A-5505-Y.jpg (22282 bytes) 5551-A-5620-Y.jpg (28204 bytes) 5664-A-5665-Y.jpg (23615 bytes)
WD5476-7 - $0.90 WD5499-8 - $0.95 WD5505-8 - $0.95 WD5620-10 - $1.40 WD5665-8 - $0.95
7 x 9  Lights Only 7 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 10  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Light and Dark
7822-A-7823-Y.jpg (68075 bytes) 7103-A-7104-Y.jpg (26862 bytes) 6663-A-6664-Y.jpg (25388 bytes) 5807-A-5808-Y.jpg (18633 bytes) 5974-A_5975-Y.jpg (25206 bytes)
WD7823-7 - $0.90 WD7104-7 - $0.90 WD6664-7 - $0.90 WD5808-8 - $0.95 WD5975-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 6  Lights Only 6 x 8  Lights Only 6 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 7  Light and Dark
5976-A--5977-Y.jpg (35152 bytes) 5978-A-5979-Y.jpg (30998 bytes) 9164-A-9165-Y.jpg (22401 bytes) 6015-A-6016-Y.jpg (19038 bytes) 6014-A-6017-Y.jpg (24289 bytes)
WD5977-7 - $0.90 WD5979-7 - $0.90 WD9165-8 - $0.95 WD6016-8 - $0.95 WD6017-8 - $0.95
6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark 6 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 9  Light and Dark
4566-A-4568-Y-5164-P.jpg (25114 bytes) 4567-A-4569-Y.jpg (23651 bytes) 4570-A-4572-Y-5165-P.jpg (23836 bytes) 6546-Y.jpg (33921 bytes) 6118-A-6119-Y.jpg (22080 bytes)
WD6073-8 - $0.95 WD6074-8 - $0.95 WD6077-8 - $0.95 WD6546-7 - $0.90 WD6119-7 - $0.90
6 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only
6122-A-6123-Y.jpg (22368 bytes) 6143-A.jpg (48900 bytes) 6224-A-6225-Y.jpg (17498 bytes) 4236-A-6226-Y.jpg (16454 bytes) 6244-A-6245-Y.jpg (19855 bytes)
WD6123-8 - $0.95 WD6143-7 - $0.90 WD6225-7 - $0.90 WD6226-7 - $0.90 WD6245-7 - $0.90
7 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 4 x 9  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 5 x 7  Light and Dark
6248-A-6250-Y.jpg (35259 bytes) 6252-A_6254-Y.jpg (29502 bytes) 6301-Y.jpg (26956 bytes) 6390-Y.jpg (27015 bytes) 6396-Y.jpg (35436 bytes)
WD6250-7 - $0.90 WD6254-7 - $0.90 WD6301-7 - $0.90 WD6390-7 - $0.90 WD6396-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark 5 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Lights Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark
7622-A-7876-Y.jpg (72246 bytes) 6444-A-6445-Y.jpg (29793 bytes) 9829-A.jpg (33049 bytes) 7848-Y.jpg (63575 bytes) 6505-A-6543-Y.jpg (18628 bytes)
WD7876-8 - $0.95 WD6445-7 - $0.90 WD9829-7 - $0.90 WD7848-9 - $1.30 WD6543-8 - $0.95
7 x 9  Light and Dark 6 x 9  Lights Only 7 x 7  Light and Dark 7 x 9  Lights Only 6 x 8  Light and Dark
6761-A-6798-Y.jpg (35512 bytes) 6812-Y.jpg (26371 bytes) 6823-A-6824-Y.jpg (26099 bytes) 6696-A-6693-Y.jpg (38859 bytes) 6760-A.jpg (15727 bytes)
WD6798-7 - $0.90 WD6812-7 - $0.90 WD6824-7 - $0.90 WD6693-7 - $0.90 WD6797-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 3 x 8  Light and Dark
6860-A-6861-Y.jpg (30038 bytes)
WD6861-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark
6895-A-6896-Y.jpg (33324 bytes) 6898-Y.jpg (28527 bytes) 7496-A-7497-Y.jpg (28621 bytes) 7498-A_7499-Y.jpg (30517 bytes)
WD6896-7 - $0.90 WD6898-7 - $0.90 WD7497-7 - $0.90 WD7499-7 - $0.90
6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Lights Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark
7870-A-7871-Y.jpg (67132 bytes) 7872-A-7873-Y.jpg (65136 bytes) 7514-A-7515-Y.jpg (87153 bytes) 7512-A-7513-Y.jpg (84595 bytes)
WD7871-7 - $0.90 WD7873-7 - $0.90 WD7515-7 - $0.90 WD7513-7 - $0.90
5 x 6  Lights Only 5 x 6  Lights Only 7 x 9  Lights Only 7 x 9  Lights Only
7866-A-7867-Y.jpg (68679 bytes) 7868-A-7869-Y.jpg (72127 bytes) 7199-A-7200-A-7201-Y.jpg (28198 bytes) 7202-A-7204-Y.jpg (25278 bytes)
WD7867-7 - $0.90 WD7869-7 - $0.90 WD7201-7 - $0.90 WD7204-7 - $0.90
5 x 6  Lights Only 5 x 6  Lights Only 6 x 6  Light and Dark 6 x 6  Light and Dark